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Refapp & AssessFirst - 30 days free trial

Use digital referencing with Refapp and AssessFirst's soft-skills assessment solution to discover the potential of your candidates and make more informed recruitment decisions.

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What is Refapp?

Refapp is a digital reference checking tool to help you make efficient, professional, and secure reference checking.

Our intuitive solution helps you to establish a process with high validity in a smooth step-by-step way. Increase the accuracy and GDPR compliance of reference checks in your recruitment processes today.






Helping companies discover the real potential of their candidates

AssessFirst is a soft-skills assessment solution helping companies discover their candidates' real potential, beyond their CVs.

By combining this with Refapp and digital reference checking you are more likely to make informative hiring decisions and recruit people who will perform at their best and help your organisation grow!

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Refapp and AssessFirst in a partnership where you'll find👇

  • AssessFirst's competency framework, directly integrated into Refapp

  • Unique individual and group analysis functionalities

  • Advanced Artificial Intelligence and matching module

  • Autonomous management of your recruiter and manager account

  • 30-day free trial and training 

Interested in learning more about Refapp?


Short guide: Optimise your onboarding with new possibilities 

What are new employees looking for from your onboarding process, and how can you transform your recruitment process to achieve it? Read our short guide to get tips and insights


What is AssessFirst?

Tap into each person's true potential

AssessFirst harnesses behavioural science and the power of AI to eliminate bias: allowing you to make the best decisions in hiring, management and talent development.

Build your own algorithms

Use AI to analyse the profiles of your top performers. Create customisable algorithms that will enable you to hire better, boost your talent development strategies, and even build more productive teams, all while fostering higher diversity.


Leverage accurate predictions

Just as the Netflix algorithm can make targeted suggestions about films that you might like, AssessFirst can make reliable recommendations so that you can make the best decisions when it comes to recruitment and talent management.

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